July 08, 2007

we're here!

As you may be able to tell by the time of my post we arrived in NYC pretty late. We hit some crazy traffic in Pennsylvania twice (3 miles in 80minutes and 2 miles in 30 minutes) and getting over the Washington Bridge was a treat as well. But we did make it safe and sound... a little tired and very very sweaty, but safe and sound none the less.

We unpacked at The Central Park Hostel and then ran up three blocks and had some pizza from a very NY hole in the wall family owned Mexican-Italian Pizzeria. It was great. The guys are all asleep now and i think the girls are either showering or making pretty things to put in their hair.

Tomorrow we do an INSIGHT-ON SIGHT in the morning in Central Park, finalize plans for the Taft House and then maybe Chinatown in the evening... we'll see what the morning brings.

oh... here are our blog nicknames for the trip, see if you can figure out whose who. Good luck.

  • JOHNNY 5
  • ELMO
  • BEBO

Also on the way down the students took a spiritual gifts test and personality profile. We will discuss that tomorrow. They also journaled several times and I hope to share some of that with you tomorrow as well.

Keep praying.


Deur said...

Glad you made it safe. We prayed for safe travel and an impacting trip yesterday in Central Park. We missed all of you, but look forward to hearing all of God's stories.

"He is risen...
He has gone ahead of you to NYC.
There you will see Him, as He told you."

michaelincolour said...

Im jelouse, have fun in NYC!!

Grandpa Don said...

Hi Carly,

Are you "The Fab"? How was the trip to NYC? Bet it was a little warm without AC. Have fun in the Big Apple and take lots of pictures to share with us when you get home.

Love You,
Grandpa Don

Mom and Dad said...

Dear Carly and NYC team,
We are so glad you arrived safely. Thanks for calling. We hope you are having a great time as well as building memories and stretching yourself. God has uniquely gifted each part of this team to do the work He has for you and in you in New York City. Sorry you had no AC on the way down. Now you all know how much of the world lives. We do enjoy our lives of comfort here in America. Have a great nights rest. Hope your day was awesome today. You each are in our prayers several times throughout the day. As Nate so often reminds us, we are blessed to be a blessing. May you all pour out blessings to others as God pours His blessings into you daily. We love you Carly and are quite sure you are The Fab. Love, Mom and Dad